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Are you a CSM looking to take your performance to the next level? Or a CS leader keen on building a world-class customer success organization? Or maybe one of the few SaaS executives who want to unlock the 80% revenue potential stuck in your existing customer base?

Hi, my name is Markus and I’m a Customer Success consultant, coach, community builder, and speaker. I’m passionate about writing and sharing knowledge to help other people grow.

Join 2.500+ CS professionals (July 2023) learning how to deliver, grow and monetize customer value.

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Benefits for Premium subscribers include:

  • Game-changing strategies to deliver, amplify and capitalize on unrivaled customer value.

  • Get help from me when you need it (DM)

  • Access to private Slack channel

and with your support, I can devote more time to creating valuable content.

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Hi, my name is Markus and I’m a Customer Success consultant, coach, community builder, and speaker. I’m passionate about writing and sharing knowledge to help other people grow.